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学术沙龙:Advances in Differentiable Programming: Beyond Simple RNN and Optimization
文:计算机学院 教师发展中心 来源:计算机学院 党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2018-05-08 6364

  本次学术沙龙活动教师发展中心邀请四川大学特聘研究员彭玺,与我校师生分享Advances in Differentiable Programming: Beyond Simple RNN and Optimization的研究及进展。具体安排如下,欢迎感兴趣的师生参加。

  一、主 题:Advances in Differentiable Programming: Beyond Simple RNN and Optimization

  二、主讲人:四川大学 彭玺 研究员

  三、时 间:2018年5月10日(周四)10:00

  四、地 点:清水河校区经管楼宾诺咖啡

  五、主持人:未来媒体研究中心 姬艳丽 副教授


  Differentiable programming treats the neural network as a language, which reformulates the traditional statistical inference method (e.g. sparse coding, CRM) as a neural network. As a result, the newly designed neural networks could simultaneously enjoy high interpretability and problem-specific structure given by statistical inference methods, and larger learning capacity and better utilization of Big Data thanks to neural networks. Existing works have two limitations. On the one hand, the newly designed model is a simple recurrent neural network which is just a small portion of neural networks. On the other hand, they focus on implementing existing optimizers in neural networks, which hinders the application and progress of this topic. In this talk, I will introduce our two works which address the above issues in an elegant way. The first work bridges an L1-solver with an LSTM and further shows its effectiveness in image reconstruction and abnormal event detection. The second work recasts the objective function of the vanilla k-means as a feedforward neural network and demonstrates its promising performance in data clustering.


  彭玺,2013年12月毕业于四川大学计算机学院,2014年至2017年就职于新加坡科技研究局资讯通信研究院(Institute for Infocomm, A*STAR)担任研究员(Scientist),2017年被四川大学引进为特聘研究员。主要研究方向包括深度学习、子空间学习,聚类、迁移学习,可微编程及其在计算机视觉和数据分析中的应用,在CCF A类会议和IEEE汇刊发表一作/通信作者论文20余篇,包括ESI热点论文(前0.1%)2篇,高被引论文(前1%)2篇。曾任IEEE Trans Neural Netw Learn Syst和 Image Vis Comput的客座编委,ECCV16专题报告组织主席、AAAI17分会主席、IJCAI17领域主席、VCIP17领域主席,VALSE18注册主席,是视觉与学习青年学者研讨会(VALSE)在线活动发起人之一,理事会理事。






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