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文:教师发展中心 来源:党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2023-07-06 20799

  教师发展中心“学者论坛”活动特别邀请法国贡比涅科技大学特级教授Nikolaos LIMNIOS、 法国昂热大学Bruno Castanie教授来校作学术交流,具体安排如下,欢迎广大师生参加。

  一、时 间:2023年7月7日(周五)下午 14:30-16:30

  二、地 点:清水河校区主楼C1-213

  三、主持人:机械与电气工程学院 刘宇 教授

  四、主 题:系统可靠性评估与维修决策方法研讨会


  主题一:Reliability Measures of Semi-Markov Systems: Modeling and Estimation

  主讲人:法国贡比涅科技大学 Nikolaos Limnios 特级教授


  In this talk we present semi-Markov processes and the detailed modeling of reliability measures, knowing in literature as dependability, especially reliability, availabilities, rate of occurrence of failure, mean times, system failure rate. We present also the estimation of the above measures in the case of finite state space, starting by observing a trajectory of the system in a time interval. Asymptotic properties of these estimators are obtained when the length of the interval goes to infinity.


  Nikolaos Limnios,法国贡比涅科技大学特级教授,2018年被授予“学术棕榈勋章”,是法国学术、教育界的最高荣誉勋章。他深耕概率统计领域四十余年,对分支过程、半马尔可夫过程等随机过程基础性理论作出了重要贡献,已出版相关专著十余部,发表学术论文三百余篇,目前担任Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods、Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation以及Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability等多家概率统计领域著名SCI期刊的副主编。

  主题二: Rolling horizon optimal maintenance policy for a system subject to shocks and degradation with random effect 

  主讲人:法国昂热大学  Bruno Castanier  教授


  In this presentation, a novel degradation-threshold-shock (DTS) maintenance policy is introduced. The DTS maintenance policy is designed for a single-unit system that experiences both shocks and deterioration over time, addressing the challenge of limited data availability.  Shocks are assumed to follow a counting process and each incoming shock affects the system in two ways: a fatal shock leads system breakdown, while an effective shock weakens the system by increasing its age. The degradation of system is modeled with a general degradation path (GDP) model and depends on the receiving shocks and virtual age of system.


  Bruno Castanier,法国昂热大学教授,质量和工程创新部主任、国际处副主任。长期从事可靠性退化建模、维修建模及决策优化、调度及路径优化等方面的研究工作。31st European Safety and Reliability Conference 2021 (ESREL2021) 大会主席,Reliability Engineering and System Safety客座编辑。发表论文90余篇,共主持15个项目,其中国家级5项,国际合作4项,企业项目6项。





编辑:李果  / 审核:李果  / 发布:陈伟