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物电论坛:Electron Transport at Graphene-contact and Fractional modeling
文:陈科羽 来源:原物理电子学院 时间:2017-12-07 4365

  物电论坛776期特别邀请新加坡科技设计大学(SUTD)教授Ricky L. K. Ang主讲,具体安排如下:

  主 题:Electron Transport at Graphene-contact and Fractional modeling

  主讲人:新加坡科技设计大学(SUTD)教授 Ricky L. K. Ang 

  时 间:2017年12月11日(周一)10:30

  地 点:沙河校区物电楼204室

  主持人:肖绍球 教授


  On the first part of this seminar, I will first present some new models related electrons emission and transport at graphene-interface and its contact with other materials. Due to the linear dispersion of graphene, it is found that the traditional models are no longer valid. Using these new models, various applications are proposed, such as energy harvesting for waste heat, photodetector at telecommunication wavelength and mobility characterization for 2D materials. Scaling laws have been constructed to show the smooth transition between the bulk materials and Dirac materials like graphene and others. On the second part of the seminar, we will show a new approach in fractional modeling for anisotropic, inhomogeneous, and disordered object. Under some approximations, a complicated object can be mapped into a non-integer dimension, which may simplify the calculation so to obtain analytical solution. Using this new technique, we have tested on some problems such as electron emission rough cathode, electron transport porous organic diode, laser absorption for a rough metal surface and 3D printing of complicated EM structures.


  Ricky L. K. Ang,新加坡科技设计大学(SUTD)教授,EPD主任,研究生办公室主任。1994年于台湾清华大学获得学士学位,1996年、1999年在密西根大学分别获得硕士和博士学位。1999-2001年,在美国洛斯阿拉莫斯实验室做博士后,随后工作于南洋理工大学电子和电器工程学院,2011年11月以来一直就任于新加坡科技设计大学。作为一名理论学者,他的兴趣主要集中于器件物理,比如表面电荷输运、材料的电接触、基于器件的新型狄拉克材料的设计(能量回收、光探测、热载流子器件和可逆计算)。目前,他的团队楔入到一个新领域——分数模型,用以计算复杂和无序物体。



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