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文:唐小青 来源:党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2017-10-16 5267

  为搭建我校博士后之间的学术交流平台,促进学术水平提升,学校博士后管理办公室组织开展博士后学术沙龙活动。本次沙龙由我校博士后赵敏、姚树霞、黄柯、Eduardo Gonzalez Moreira和王庆分享其研究成果,诚挚邀请感兴趣的师生参加。

  一、时 间:2017年10月19日(周四)13:30




  主 题:基于EEG的测谎技术

  主讲人:赵敏 生物医学工程流动站博士后 




  其次,我们讨论基于EEG测谎技术的测谎机理及主要测试指标。现代测谎技术主要通过测试受试者的由中枢神经系统控制的生理参数的变化来判断其是否说谎。测试理论依据:是受试者对犯罪相关信息和无关信息的认知加工存在差异,表现为相关信息诱发的ERP成分波与无关信息诱发的ERP成分存在差异,则可以推断出受试者是否对犯罪相关信息知情(或说谎)。目前,在研究中受到广泛关注的仍然是ERP P300成分。




  主 题:Oxytocin modulates attention switching between interoceptive signals and external social cues

  主讲人:姚树霞 生物医学工程流动站博士后 


  Emotional experience involves an integrated interplay between processing of external emotional cues and interoceptive feedback, and this is impaired in a number of emotional disorders. The neuropeptide oxytocin (OT) enhances the salience of external social cues but its influence on interoception is unknown. The present pharmaco-fMRI study therefore investigated whether OT enhances interoceptive awareness and if it influences the interplay between interoceptive and salience processing. In a randomized, double-blind, between-subject, design study 83 subjects received either intranasal OT or placebo. In Experiment 1, subjects performed a heartbeat detection task alone, while in Experiment 2 they did so while viewing both neutral and emotional face stimuli. Interoceptive accuracy and neural responses in interoceptive and salience networks were measured. In Experiment 1, OT had no significant influence on interoceptive accuracy or associated activity in the right anterior insula (AI) and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex. However, in Experiment 2 when face stimuli were also presented, OT decreased interoceptive accuracy and increased right AI activation and its functional connectivity with the left posterior insula (PI), with the latter both being negatively correlated with accuracy scores. The present study provides the first evidence that while OT does not influence processing of interoceptive cues per se it may switch attention away from them towards external salient social cues by enhancing right AI responses and its control over the PI. Thus OT may help regulate the interplay between interoceptive and external salience processing within the insula and could be of potential therapeutic benefit for emotional disorders. 


  Shuxia Yao works as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the School of Life Science and Technology of UESTC now. He got his Bachelor degree in Southwest University and Ph.D. degree in UESTC. Dr. Yao is working in the field of social cognition and affective neuroscience. More specifically, he mainly focuses on investigating the neural mechanisms underlying human social behavior and affective processing and developing novel noninvasive therapeutic protocol in treating psychiatric disorders using oxytocin and the real-time fMRI neurofeedback training.


  主 题:The application of high performance computing in NGS data processing

  主讲人:黄柯 生物医学工程流动站博士后






  主 题:Neuroinformatic studies and its application to brain model

  主讲人:Eduardo Gonzalez Moreira 生物医学工程流动站博士后


  Research on neuroinformatic science is one of most promising fields to develop our knowledge about how human brain works. Since the higher temporal resolution showed by EEG/MEG signal compared to fMRI both techniques have been wide used on neurosciences. However, to understand brain functions the reconstruction of the sources localization and connectivity between then is required through inverse problem solutions. The inverse problem is an ill posed problem with not a unique solution. Therefore, prior assumptions must be defined in order to reduce and simplified the problem. On my research, a general framework for sequentially estimating the inverse solution in the frequency domain and its cross-spectra have been develop. It attempts for a generalization of the Variable Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (VARETA) proposed by Valdes-Sosa and his coworkers (Valdes-Sosa, P. et al. 1996) by means of a penalized maximum a posteriori analysis of the MEG/EEG sources’ cross-spectra. This is a result of using the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm for Covariance Components Model (CCM) adapted to the complex case (Dempster, Laird and Rubin, 1977; Liu and Rubin, 1994) and general penalty model over the cross-spectral matrix. Henceforth we refer to this methodology as Expectation Maximization algorithm for Variable Resolution Electric Tomography (EM-VARETA).


  Eduardo Gonzalez Moreira is a post-doc majored in neuroinformatic. He obtained bachelor’s degree in Telecommunication and Electronic Engineering in UESTC, then performed PhD research in biomedical engineering advised by Prof. Guang Li in Zhejiang University. His research interests include neurosciences, brain modeling, EEG/MEG/ECG/speech signal analysis, neuroinformatics tools like FieldTrip, Brainstorm, CBRAIN, LORIS, CIVET, Brainsuit and MatLab programing.


  主 题:On Ego Communication Networks

  主讲人:王庆 生物医学工程流动站博士后


  Ego Network (EN) is crucial in anthropology. It is composed of a centered ego, direct contacts namely alters, and the interactions among them. The widespread of mobile communication makes it cheaper and easier for people to communicate with each other. In fact, communication data is valuable and is becoming crucial in studying human behaviors. Can this trend always increase people’s ego network size? Does the layered ego network structure still exist? At the same time, how to interactively explore and visualize large volumes of data is also the key challenge for visual analytics.

  The answers to the above questions are the 3 main sub-topics of this report and they are as follows: 1) Ego network modeling and its critical size; 2) Layered structure of ego networks. 3) A visual analytics system based on ego network perspective. In order to interacticely explore and visualize huge volumns of communication data, the researchers brought about the multi-scale interface, which is consistent with the idea of this paper, however this design did not support visualizing ENs. Moreover, the EN visualization systems did not show the detailed interactions between an ego and the alters. To interactively explore the communication data from ego network perspective, this thesis brings about a visual analytics system named egoPortray. The main contributions of this system are the interactive 3-scale views, namely, the macroscopic statistical view, which applies scatter layout and gives the information of data distribution and correlation; the mesoscopic group view, which uses matrix layout of glyph-based designs and enables comparing different egos; and the microscopic signature view, which utilizes the stacked layout and chord diagram design for visualizing the detailed interations between ego and alters. The anomalous user detection task is taken as the case study, and the results illustrate the servicebility of this system. In summary, ego network perspective pays more attention on ego itself rather than the whole network, this is consistent with the trend of personalized services, and it can be applied in other scenes and applications where network structure exists.


  Qing Wang is a post-doc majored in biomedical engineering. He obtained bachelor’s degree in Electronic Information Science and Technology in CSU, then performed PhD research in Information and Communication Engineering advised by Prof. Hui Tian in BUPT and Prof. Tao Zhou in UESTC. His research interests include complex networks, communication networks, big data, information visualization, neuro networks, and brain connectivity.






编辑:张茜  / 审核:张茜  / 发布:luosha