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物电论坛:Controlling light with nano mechanical photonic metamaterials
文:陈科羽 来源:原物理电子学院 时间:2017-10-16 5312

  物电论坛754期特别邀请英国南安普顿大学光电研究中心中级研究员Jun-Yu (Bruce) Ou博士主讲,具体安排如下:

  一、主 题:Controlling light with nano mechanical photonic metamaterials

  二、主讲人:Jun-Yu (Bruce) Ou 博士 (英国南安普顿大学)

  三、时 间:2017年10月18日(周三)9:30

  四、地 点:电子科大沙河校区逸夫楼521室

  五、主持人:丁霄 付教授


  Metamaterials are artificial media with all sorts of unusual functionalities achieved by structuring on a length scale smaller than that of the external stimulus. In optics, the development of metamaterials has led to demonstrations of fascinating optical properties such as negative refraction, invisibility, perfect lenses and many more. Nevertheless, few of these demonstrations have led to practical applications, largely due to the unique properties of metamaterials are narrowband. Here we develop nanomechanically reconfigurable metamaterials that offer a flexible platform for static and dynamic control of metamaterial optical properties. Exploiting this, we use electrostatic, Lorentz and near field optical forces to drive high-contrast, high-speed active tuning, modulation and switching of metamaterial properties.


  Jun-Yu (Bruce) Ou博士于2014年在英国南安普顿大学获得博士学位,现为南安普顿大学光电研究中心中级研究员,其主要研究方向为可重构微纳超材料。Ou博士已在《Nature Nanotechnology》、《Nature Communications》、《Nano Letters》、《Advanced Materials》、《Physical Review Letters》等国际著名期刊上发表高被引论文30余篇,论文总被引次数达1170余次。Ou博士已在国际会议上作报告90余次,其中包括特邀报告26次、大会主题报告2次。



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