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学者论坛:Cellular Responses to Genotoxic Stress
文:教师发展中心 来源:党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2016-10-13 4140


  一、主 题:Cellular Responses to Genotoxic Stress

  二、主讲人:美国华盛顿大学 尤忠胜副教授(Zhongsheng You,Ph.D.,Tenured Associated Professor,Washington University)

  三、时 间:2016年10月14日(周五)上午 10:30

  四、地 点:沙河校区主楼中142会议室

  五、主持人:医学院院长 杨正林


  The cellular responses to genotoxic stress are key to the prevention of cancer and the outcome of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Associate Professor Zhongsheng You’s laboratory studies the molecular mechanisms of the cellular responses to DNA double-strand break (DSB) damage and to DNA replication obstruction. In addition, they are exploring the role of RNA surveillance and metabolism in the DNA damage response, focusing on the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) pathway that serves in both RNA quality control and gene regulation. For these purposes, they employ multiple experimental systems, including human cells, Xenopus egg extracts and reconstituted reactions with purified factors, and a number of innovative tools, such as laser microirradiation, genetically encoded reporters and live cell imaging. In this talk Associate Professor Zhongsheng will discuss some of their recent efforts in identifying new mechanisms for replication fork protection and the interplay between the DNA damage response, NMD and calcium signaling.


  尤忠胜副教授曾就读于美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校,获得博士学位,后在圣地亚哥著名的Salk 生物学研究所从事博士后工作,自2009年起任美国华盛顿大学助理教授,副教授,并获终身教职。尤忠胜副教授的研究领域主要是DNA的损伤与修复在癌症、衰老中的作用机理。尤忠胜副教授在Nature, Nature Medicine, Molecular cell, Genes and Development, Nuclear Acids Research等高水平学术期刊发表多篇论文,是Nature,Science,PNAS等期刊的审稿人。







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