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学者论坛:Interpersonal abilities and their relation with psychopathy
文:教师发展中心 来源:党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2016-02-23 4430


  时 间:2016年3月2日(周三)下午15:00

  地 点:清水河图书馆视听阅览室(二楼E区B216)光影厅

  主 题:Interpersonal abilities and their relation with psychopathy

  主讲人:德国乌尔姆大学  Oliver Wilhelm教授




  Psychopathy is a severe personality disorder. Psychopathic individuals (<1% of the population) commit more than 50% of all crimes. Although emotion processing is considered a hallmark of the disorder most research in the area is methodologically poor (i.e. insufficient N, poor measures, univariate approach). We present results from a recently completed study in which problems prevalent in prior research are resolved and circumvented. We had 350 subjects - 250 of which were incarcerated in forensic institutions - complete the Psychopathy Checklist, general intelligence measures, several measures of face processing and emotion perception and recognition, an emotion expression task, a measure of incidental imitation of emotion expressions (mimicry), and some self-report measures. Additionally, we collected genes via saliva swabs. We will present multivariate results and discuss implications for the concept of psychopathy and the potential of interpersonal ability measures.


  Professor Oliver Wilhelm is from Department of Psychology and Education, University of Ulm (German). His primary interest is in differential psychology and psychological assessment. His current main research work is focused on: (1) Construction and evaluation of competence, achievement, ability, and aptitude tests; (2) Innovative measures for student achievement – specifically technology based measures; (3) Structure and validity of individual differences in working memory, mental speed and fluid intelligence; (4) Multivariate methods in general, and measurement & scaling in particular; (5) Ability related personality constructs. Professor Wilhelm has published over 100 high-quality papers and received numerous grants from German.

  乌尔姆大学是位于德国巴登-符腾堡州乌尔姆市的一所国立大学,成立于1967年,是巴登-符腾堡州最年轻的大学,在光电、集成电路设计、微电子、医学等学科享有较高声誉,在电子工程和计算机领域位于德国大学前5位。乌尔姆大学的经济数学学院于1977年最早开设经济数学专业,该专业在德国排名第一。在最新的“Times Higher Education”世界年轻大学排名中,乌尔姆大学排名德国第一,世界第十六。




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