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学者论坛:Selected topics in streaming algorithms
文:教师发展中心 来源:党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2024-09-20 611

  教师发展中心“学者论坛”活动特别邀请德国锡根大学Markus Lohrey教授来校作学术交流。具体安排如下,欢迎广大师生参加。

  一、主 题:Selected topics in streaming algorithms

  二、主讲人:德国锡根大学Markus Lohrey 教授

  三、时 间:2024年9月23日(星期一)18:00-19:30

  四、地 点:清水河校区四号科研楼A区518

  五、主持人:计算机科学与工程学院 Bakh Khoussainov 教授


  Streaming algorithms process a stream of data values. Thereby, every data value has to be processed immediately on arrival. In other words, the algorithm has to process its input in one pass. The goal of streaming algorithms is to minimize space and processing time per data item. Streaming algorithms are often used in applications where massive amounts of data must be processed. In the 1st part of the lectures I will present and analyze three famous streaming algorithms; in the 2nd part of the lectures, I will talk about enumeration algorithms. 


  Professor Markus Lohrey, Head of Theoretical Computer Science Group, The University of Siegen, Germany. His research interests are Decidability and complexity of problems in automata theory and algebra, Combinatorial group theory, Data compression, Logic in computer science and Streaming algorithms. He has published more than 180 papers and 3 books. 


      承办单位:计算机科学与工程学院(网络空间安全学院) 智能计算研究院

编辑:刘瑶  / 审核:李果  / 发布:陈伟