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名师讲堂:Advanced Studies in Broad Learning Systems:Algorithms, Theory, and Applications
文:教师发展中心 来源:党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2023-10-26 2385


  一、主 题:Advanced Studies in Broad Learning Systems: Algorithms, Theory, and Applications

  二、时 间:2023年10月27日(周五)10:20-11:55

  三、地 点:腾讯会议(会议ID: 313 349 342)

  四、主讲嘉宾:华南理工大学 陈俊龙 教授

  五、主持人:自动化工程学院 耿航 副教授


  In recent years, the appearance of the broad learning system (BLS) is poised to revolutionize conventional machine learnings. It represents a step toward building more efficient and effective methods that can be extended to a broader range of necessary research fields. In this report, a comprehensive overview of the BLS in data mining and neural networks will be presented, focusing on summarizing various BLS methods from the aspects of its algorithms, theories, applications, and future open research questions. First, we introduce the basic pattern of BLS manifestation, the universal approximation capability, and essence from the theoretical perspective. Furthermore, we focus on BLS’s various improvements based on the current state of the theoretical research, which further improves its flexibility, stability, and accuracy under general or specific conditions, including classification, regression, semi-supervised, and unsupervised tasks. Due to its remarkable efficiency, impressive generalization performance, and easy extendibility, BLS has been applied in different domains. Next, we illustrate BLS’s practical advances, such as computer vision, biomedical engineering, control, and natural language processing. Finally, the future open research problems and promising directions for BLSs are pointed out.


  陈俊龙( C. L. Philip Chen),华南理工大学计算机学院院长、讲座教授,清华大学海外杰出教授,西安交通大学客座教授,IEEE Fellow、AAAS Fellow、IAPR Fellow, 欧洲科学院院士(Academia Europaea),欧洲科学与艺术院院士(European Academy of Sciences and Arts),中国自动化学会(CAA) 、中国人工智能学会(CAAI)及香港工程师学会(HKIE)Fellow。陈教授是中国自动化学会副理事长、教育部健康智能与数字平行人工程中心主任、 广东省计算智能与网络空间信息重点实验室主任、广东省人工智能产业协会联席会长。曾任IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics (2020-2021),及IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems (2014-2019)两个顶级SCI期刊主编,曾任该学会国际总主席(2012-2013),也是国内期刊CAAI Trans. on AI,《中国科学》和《自动化学报》的编委。 2018年获得IEEE系统科学控制论的最高学术维纳奖(Norbert Wiener Award),获 2021 IEEE Joseph Wohl 终身成就奖,及我国人工智能学会吴文俊人工智能杰出贡献奖。科研方向主要在智能系统与控制,计算智能,混合智能,数据科学方向,是2018-2022连续5年Clarivate Analytics的全球高被引科学家(2018 在计算机,2018-2022年在工程及计算机双学科)。 




编辑:李果  / 审核:李果  / 发布:陈伟