一、时 间:2021年12月1日(周三)9:50
二、地 点:清水河校区经管楼宾诺咖啡
四、承办单位:材料与能源学院 光电科学与工程学院 电子科技大学博士后联谊会
(1)主 题:高面容量全固态薄膜锂电池技术研究
(2)主讲人:宋世湃 材料与能源学院博士后
(1)主 题:基于高性能聚合物的轻质/柔性电磁屏蔽复合材料的制备及性能研究
(2)主讲人:张帅 材料与能源学院博士后
(1)主 题:大规模电池群组管理算法及应用研究
(2)主讲人:冯雪松 材料与能源学院博士后
(1)主 题:Exploring Hybrid Fluoride Layered Perovskites
(2)主讲人:Teng Li, Post-doc of School of Materials and Energy
(3)交流内容:The synthesis, crystal structure and preliminary magnetic properties of the first example of a layered fluoroperovskite is described here, also the synthesis and structure of two derived compounds (enH2)CoF4, (enH2)NiF4. The three compounds were all prepared by hydrothermal method. The crystal structure of (enH2)MnF4 exhibits single perovskite-like [MnF4]∞ layer of corner-shared MnF6 octahedra separated along the a-axis by the protonated enH22+ cation. The magnetic properties of the compound have been investigated in the range 2 K < T < 300 K with an applied d.c. field of 100 Oe. We obtained the Curie constant, C = 4.81 cm3mol-1K and the Weiss constant θ = -85.59 K, which indicate strong, dominant antiferromagnetic exchange interactions. The susceptibility trend at low temperature may indicate a spin canting behaviour.
Teng Li graduated from Northwest University with his bachelor’s degree (2009-2013). Then he studied at Xi’an Jiaotong University and got master’s degree in 2016. After then, he went to the University of St Andrews under the supervision of Prof. Philip Lightfoot and got PhD degree in 2020. His research interests include crystallography, coordination polymers, organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites and magnetic properties.
(1)主 题:All-inorganic CsPbI3 for efficient and stable perovskite solar cells
(2)主讲人:Ting Zhang , Post-doc of School of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering
(3)交流内容:The research on all-inorganic cesium lead triiodide (CsPbI3) perovskites have attracted intensive research interest recently because of their intrinsic chemical stability. Here, we report a facile mediator-antisolvent strategy (MAS) mixed antisolvent and MAI mediator to prepare stable black-phase CsPbI3 films. Specially, PCBM/CBZ abtisolvent decreases CsPbI3 crystallite to moderate size of ~200 nm, limiting the quantity of grain boundaries. In addition, a judicious amount of MAI added in the precursor further improves the quality of CsPbI3 films without enlarging the perovskite grains. The added MAI is eventually expelled at the high annealing temperature of 340 °C. The all inorganic solar cells achieve an efficiency of ≥ 16%, and are stable with 95% of the initial PCE retained over 1000 h.
Ting Zhang is a post-doc majored in semiconductor materials and devices. She obtained master’s degree in optical engineering in UESTC, then performed PhD research in perovskite devices advised by Prof. Shibin Li in UESTC. Her research interests include perovskite materials and devices.
编辑:助理编辑 / 审核:林坤 / 发布:陈伟