一、时 间:2021年11月9日(周二)14:00
二、方 式:腾讯会议 会议ID:100275241
(1)主题:Designing Indium-Based Catalysts for Efficient Carbon Dioxide Electroreduction to Formate
(2)主讲人:赵小丽 基础与前沿研究院博士后
Electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 into value-added chemicals and fuels is of intensive urgence and importance to relieve the growing CO2 emission and achieve the carbon neutrality. At present, the commercialization of CO2 electroreduction (CO2ER) is mainly obstructed by the high cost, low selectivity, high overpotential and poor stability of the catalysts. Among the numerous catalyst materials that were studied, indium was found to be selective towards the production of formate. In this talk, we comprehensively reviewed recent progresses on the indium based CO2ER catalysts. Specifically, aspects regarding the design of different In-based catalysts and reaction mechanism were overviewed. In addition, the construction of In2O3/InN heterostructure and its application for highly efficient CO2 reduction to formate was discussed in detail. At last, challenges and future perspectives were proposed.
Firstly, various In-based metal oxides/sulfides/nitrides with well-designed nanostructures applied for the electrocatalytic formate production were reviewed. Their activity, selectivity and stability were regulated via the doping, defect and electronic structure construction. In situ attenuated total reflectance surface-enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations were combined to investigate the reaction path and mechanisms.
Then, an In2O3/InN heterojunction was constructed and utilized in electrocatalytic CO2 reduction reaction to formate with high Faradaic efficiency (95.7% at -1.48 V vs. RHE) and outstanding stability. The in-depth experimental analyses together with theoretical studies reveal that the O-N interaction at the interface between In2O3 and InN could provide a charge transfer channel and lead to electron enrichment on the surface of InN, promoting the activation of CO2 molecules, lowering the Gibbs free energy for the formation of *HCOO intermediate and strengthening the binding with *HCOO during CO2ER.
Finally, some prospective viewpoints for future development on CO2 electroreduction to formate would put forward. (1) the development of better electrocatalyst materials remains at the heart of CO2ER research. The goal is to increase their active site density and/or promote their site-specific activity. (2) we would have to further our understanding of possible reaction pathways and mechanisms on electrocatalysts with the assistance of theoretical computations and in situ spectroscopic characterizations. (3) The optimization of CO2ER performance at the cell or system level is urgent for the commercialization. (4) The effective means for the product separation would be under the consideration.
Xiaoli Zhao received her Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Chongqing University in 2019. Currently, she is a postdoc research fellow in the Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. Her research interest is focusing on the fabrication of bulk heterojunctions for the photovoltaic and catalytic applications.
(1)主 题:电催化硝酸根还原性能调控及作用机制
(2)主讲人:刘勇 基础与前沿研究院博士后
(1)主 题:基于多重单分子技术研究nsp13解旋酶调控新冠病毒转录复制过程的分子机制
(2)主讲人:郝理 基础与前沿研究院博士后
(1)主 题:Light-induced Halogen Defects as Dynamic Active Sites in Bismuth Oxyhalide for CO2 Photoreduction
(2)主讲人:石晛 基础与前沿研究院博士后
Defects, which exist universally in photoactive materials, can modulate the electronic structure of photoactive materials and thus directly influence carrier transport behaviour, surface adsorption/desorption, band structure, and reaction pathway. Therefore, defect engineering has become an important research area for the structural optimisation of photoactive materials. However, recent progress in defect engineering suggests that not all defect structures can improve properties of functional materials. In solar cells, a diminishing defect density plays a decisive role in maximising the photovoltaic performance of perovskites. Thus, passivation techniques are used to suppress the harmful effects of defects. However, in photocatalysis, constructing defects on the photocatalyst surface is regarded as an efficient strategy for enhancing photocatalytic properties. The essential reason for this difference lies in the entirely different functional mechanisms of defects in different reaction systems. Herein, the dynamic defects formed on halide perovskites and bismuth oxyhalides due to light-induced halide ion migration are compared as typical examples.
Under illumination, halogen atoms are oxidised by photogenerated holes on halide perovskites. This reduces their ionic radius and allows them to leave the crystal lattice easily and form defects. Moreover, recent studies revealed that light irradiation can reduce the energy barrier of ion migration and facilitate an ultrafast defect-mediated ion migration, leading to increased formation of defects. This results in more severe carrier trapping, which hinders better photoelectric conversion performance since photogenerated charge carriers are supposed to be transported through the halide perovskite to the electrodes or adjacent transport materials. However, the ineluctable existence of X defects induces extra transition levels in the bandgap, thus influencing the optoelectronic process. Interfacial charge carrier transport is also hindered by the scattering or capture of free charges by X defects. Moreover, excessive carrier trapping can lead to the degradation and collapse of the perovskite lattice. Therefore, dynamic X defects caused by light-induced halide ion migration have a devastating effect on halide perovskites used in solar energy conversion.
During photocatalysis, defects can also induce a charge trapping effect. However, unlike in the case of a halide perovskite in a solar cell, this charge trapping effect hinders the recombination of photogenerated electron–hole pairs when a photocatalyst is excited by light. As active sites, defects with abundant localised electrons can facilitate electron transport to adsorbed molecules, thus promoting the activation of adsorbed reactants and photocatalytic reaction. The stability of defects was found to change with the reaction conditions, such as gas pressure, atmosphere, and external field, which can induce the dynamic evolution of defects and structural modification of materials. However, the investigation of the positive effects of dynamic defects as active sites in a catalyst is still in its infancy. The formation mechanism and basic nature of dynamic defects, as well as their effects on the catalytic reaction pathway, have not been revealed. Considering the feasibility of dynamic defect formation via light-induced halide ion migration in halide perovskite solar cells, we carried out a systematic study of dynamic halogen defects on bismuth oxyhalide photocatalysts for their application in CO2 photoreduction.
X. Shi received the Bachelor degree and Ph.D. degree of Oil-Gas Well Engineering from the Southwest Petroleum University, in 2015 and 2020, respectively. He currently works as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences of UESTC. Dr. Shi is working in the field of new energy and devices. His main research interests include the application of bismuth oxyhalide based photocatalysts in energy conversion and environmental treatment.
(1)主 题:新型碳载过渡金属磷化物催化剂的制备与其析氢电催化行为的研究
(2)主讲人:王晓艳 基础与前沿研究院博士后
利用太阳能、水力发电和风能等间歇性可再生能源,通过电化学或光电化学分解水制备氢气,是非常重要、极具前景的一种未来能源解决方案。析氢反应(hydrogen evolution reaction,HER)在此过程中扮演了关键角色。铂族金属是目前最有效、使用最广泛的析氢催化剂,但是相当昂贵和稀缺。因此,开发储量丰富、低成本和具有高活性的催化剂对于电化学水分解大规模产氢是非常关键。在所有报道的非铂基析氢催化剂中,过渡金属磷化物(transition metal phosphides,TMPs)如CoP、Ni2P和FeP等极具吸引力,在电解水制氢方面展示出巨大的潜力。但是,其催化活性和稳定性仍需进一步增强。
编辑:林坤 / 审核:林坤 / 发布:陈伟