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名师讲堂:How to Write a Quality Technical Paper Output & Synchronization of Networked Linear Multi-Agent Systems
文:人力资源部教师发展中心、自动化工程学院 来源:自动化学院 党委教师工作部、人力资源部(教师发展中心) 时间:2021-05-08 5125


  一、时 间:2021年5月10日(周一)9:30-12:30

  二、地 点:腾讯会议  会议ID:959 809 227


  主题一:How to Write a Quality Technical Paper Output

  主讲嘉宾:香港城市大学 冯刚 教授


  How to Write a Quality Technical Paper :This talk presents some general guidelines and tips on how to write a quality technical paper. The focus is on the structure of the paper including abstract, introduction, problem formulation, main results (including the key idea, details, comaprison with related work), application examples, and conclusion & further work. Other issues such as style and language including common mistakes in writing are also touched. Moreover, how to handle the comments of reviewers also highlighted.


  冯刚,香港城市大学机电工程系Chair Professor,IEEE Fellow,主要研究方向为智能系统与控制、网络控制系统以及多智能体系统与控制。2016-2020年入选全球ESI高被引科学家,获得德国洪堡学者称号、IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems杰出论文奖、香港城市大学杰出研究奖、香港城市大学校长奖、香港教资会杰出教学奖、黑龙江省自然科学一等奖、IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks and Signal Processing最佳论文奖、Second World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation最佳理论论文奖,发表SCI论文320余篇,著有专著:Analysis and Synthesis of Fuzzy Control Systems: A Model Based Approach,其中包含130余篇IEEE Transactions。截止至2020年1月,论文引用次数达到21380次,H指数76。

  主题二:Synchronization of Networked Linear Multi-Agent Systems

  主讲嘉宾:香港城市大学 刘璐 副教授


  Output Synchronization of Networked Linear Multi-Agent Systems :the output synchronization problem of networked heterogeneous linear multi-agent systems is introduced. With a low gain approach, a novel distributed dynamic output feedback control law is developed to solve the problem. It is noted that all agent systems have general and multi-input multi-output linear dynamics. The proposed control law requires neither communication of internal state nor additional stable dynamic compensator, which not only reduces the dimension of the controller but also greatly facilitates the implementation of the controller. This approach provides a design option for the considered networked systems if communication among agents is not available.


  刘璐,香港城市大学副教授,主要研究方向:网络动态系统、控制理论和应用以及生物医学设备。2008年荣获第27届中国控制大会最佳论文奖(Guan Zhaozhi Award),2017年第11届亚洲控制大会the Shimemura Young Author Award,第30届中国控制与决策大会张思英杰出青年论文奖,2018年第13届世界智能控制与自动化大会最佳论文奖及香港城市大学校长奖,2017年、2018年和2019年获得杰出监事奖,2020年获得城市大学杰出研究奖。担任《网络控制学、控制理论与技术、测控研究所交易》和《无人系统》IEEE交易的副主编。





编辑:林坤  / 审核:林坤  / 发布:陈伟

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