由电子科学与工程学院主办的“电子论坛”第97期邀请到前IEEE Fellow,以色列理工大学教授Prof. Levi Schachter,与我校师生共同探讨介质加速器的发展。具体安排如下,欢迎感兴趣的师生参加。
主 题:Dielectric Laser Accelerator: Novel Concepts and Optimization
主讲人:Prof. Levi Schachter( Gerard Swope Chair in EE, IEEE Life Fellow, Fellow of the American Physical Society)
时 间:2019年11月28日(周四)14:30-16:30
地 点:沙河校区逸夫楼521
Particle accelerators are ubiquitous, we rely on them for numerous medical, science and industrial uses daily. However, today's accelerators are yet relatively large, expensive and specialized machines that remain rather inaccessible to large portions of the industry and scientist community. Dielectric Laser Accelerators (DLAs) are an attractive approach over conventional RF accelerators. Most notably, the reduction of 4-5 orders of magnitude in wavelength facilitates a dramatic reduction in size of the system, and secondly, DLAs are able to support accelerating fields 1-2 orders of magnitude higher than conventional RF machines.In this talk we present novel concepts, advance designs, electro-dynamic simulations,and experimental results regarding structure based laser driven accelerator.
Prof. Levi Schachter: Graduated from the Electrical Engineering [B.Sc (1983), M.Sc(1985) and D.Sc(1988)] and Physics [B.A.(1985)] Departments of Technion - Israel Insititute of Technology. Between 1999-2000 he was a Visiting Professor with the School of Electrical Engineering of Cornell University and Between 2006-2007 he was a Visiting Professor with the Laboratory of Elementary Particles Physics of Cornell University. Currently, he is a professor at the Deparment of Electrical Engineering, Technion. At the Thechnion, he established theoretical and experimental activity on advanced acceleration concepts and radiation sourced as well as a university-scale experiment on acceleration of electrons within the framework of the Electrodynamics Laboratory he is heading. He is Gerard Swope Chair in EE, author of 100 papers, three book and holds 10 patents. During the years, Levi Schachter was awarded a number of prizes and fellowships for his research, among them: Guttwirth Prize, Fellowship of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Rothschild Fellowship and IEEE Prize (Israel Branch). He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society.
编辑:罗莎 / 审核:罗莎 / 发布:陈伟