为搭建我校博士后之间的学术交流平台,促进学术水平提升,学校博士后管理办公室组织开展博士后学术沙龙活动。本次沙龙由我校博士后Abbasali Abouei Mehrizi分享其研究成果,诚挚邀请感兴趣的师生参加。
一、时 间:2019年10月25日(周五)14:30
二、地 点:沙河校区物理学院204会议室
Topic 1: Nanoscale view of liquid-vapor interface near the contact line during phase change.
Topic 2: Non-Newtonian droplet impact on super hydrophobic mesh.
(2)主讲人:Abbasali Abouei Mehrizi 物理学院博士后
Topic 1: Nanoscale view of liquid-vapor interface near the contact line during phase
Contact line dynamic is one of the classical interdisciplinary problems, complicated by many aspects including the solid-liquid-gas interactions, substrate surface characteristics, dynamic friction, in addition of the Marangoni flow and vapor recoil for volatile liquid. The speech will focus on the problem of moving contact line during phase change in partial wetting regime with emphasis on the nanoscale morphology information.
The morphology of the thin film is essential to know the boundary condition in the contact lie dynamic simulation. We have used two modes of atomic force microscope to measure the thin film profile in both vapor and air environment with separate environmental and substrate heating setups. Evaporation of water as a most applicable liquid in addition of formamide and water-glycerol mixture droplets on silicon, mica and quartz substrates has been investigated. The complete structure of the evaporating contact line in partial wetting regime will be presented with nanometer details.
The result of further investigation of advancing contact lines in open air will be presented. In contrast to the non-volatile liquid, the nano thin film in front of the contact line as a precursor was detected when the nano thin film length was less than 200 nm. The precursor film can provide extra evaporation area, which could rationalize the abnormal ultrahigh evaporation flux observed in recent experiments on nanoscale menisci. Also, it indicates the effect of evaporation/condensation as one of participating mechanisms on the contact line dynamics. Furthermore, the result of the advancing of the water droplet induced by condensation will be presented.
Topic 2:Non-Newtonian droplet impact on super hydrophobic mesh.
Study of the droplet impact dynamic on the surface is of importance due to its fundamental and industrial applications such as surface cleaning in chip fabrication, Inkjet droplets which play an important role in soldering of electronics devices and spray cooling application. The hydrophobicity of the surface is one of the important factors that could affect the impact regime. Study of the droplet impact on the mesh structure is of particular importance due to its vast applications especially in spraying. In the current talk we will present a primary results of the non-Newtonian droplet impact on a superhydrophobic mesh.
Dr. Mehrizi received his Ph.D. degree from the Peking University, in 2014. He currently works as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the School of Physics of UESTC. Dr. Mehrizi currently is working in the field of interfacial phenomena e.g. droplet impact. His main research interests include fluid mechanic; heat transfer; computational fluid dynamic; interfacial phenomena, porous media and geothermal heat pumps. He has published several papers in various field of mechanical engineering.
编辑:林坤 / 审核:林坤 / 发布:陈伟