由信息与通信工程学院主办的“信通论坛”邀请到巴西贝南博古联邦大学Anderson S. L. Gomes教授到校交流,具体安排如下,欢迎感兴趣的师生参加。
一、主 题:Recent advances in the frontiers of Random Fiber Lasers (RFL): From High Power Devices to Complex Photonics
二、时 间:2019年8月1日(周四)10:30
三、地 点:清水河校区科研楼B306A
四、主讲人:Prof.Anderson S. L. Gomes (OSA Fellow,Universidade Federal of Pernambuco)
五、主持人:信息与通信工程学院 王子南 教授
Random fiber lasers (RFL) are the unidimensional version of the bi- or tridimensional random lasers. These photonic devices are characterized by emitting coherent radiation without the need of a cavity. The feedback mechanism necessary to achieve laser emission is due to scatters in the gain medium. In this talk, I shall review the state-of-the-art in the development of RL and RFL. In particular, I will concentrate on recent results on RFL, from technological point of view with sensors, amplifiers and high power RFL, to the more fundamental uses of RFL, which includes the demonstration of Lévy flights, Turbulence and photonic spin glass. We will show how these three very different physical processes, generally studied in statistical physics, complex systems and magnetism, can be observed in different kinds of RFL, which have become an excellent photonic platform. Finally, we will theoretically show how turbulence and spin glass can co-exist in a photonic complex system such as the RFL, by deriving one equation which leads to both phenomena and fits well with the experimental results. This co-existence idea has been proposed 20 years ago and only now it has been experimentally demonstrated.
Anderson S. L. Gomes received his PhD degree in Laser Physics from University of London (1982); He is a professor of Physics Department of UFPE since 1990. His scientific activities are in the area of laser applications in nano and biophotonics, nonlinear optics communications. He is an academician of Brazilian Academy of Science, a fellow of the Optical Society of America, where he has been the Chair of the International Council (2011-2012). He was Associate Editor of Advance in Optics and Photonics (OSA). In 2010, he was admitted in the National Order of the Scientific Merit, Classe Comendador in the area of physical science.
编辑:罗莎 / 审核:罗莎 / 发布:陈伟