主 题:An Energy Plan the Earth can Live with
时 间:2019年6月3日(周一)16:30-18:00
地 点:清水河校区经管楼报告厅
主 讲:丹尼尔·科曼(诺贝尔和平奖得主、加州大学伯克利分校可再生能源实验室主任)
主 办:大学生文化素质教育中心
承 办:机械与电气工程学院
丹尼尔·科曼,美国加州大学伯克利分校教授,同时任职于能源与资源集约管理学系、古德曼公共政策学院和核工程系。2010年被时任美国国务卿希拉里任命为第一个Environment andClimate Partnership for the Americas (ECPA) initiative能源院士。他是可再生能源实验室的创会理事,2007年任运输系统可持续性研究中心主任。他担任美国加州政府和美国联邦政府多个机构的专家和咨询顾问,包括美国环境保护署、美国能源部、国际开发署、美国科技政策办公室等。科曼博士是政府间气候变化专门委员会众多报告的主要作者,2007年诺贝尔和平奖得者之一。
The climate science, technology, and policy landscape we face today are hugely out of alignment. While the climate science community has highlighted the critical need for immediate action towards a 1.5 degree C (or lower) global climate warming target, and while energy and transportation technologies are moving rapidly to enable that tremendously challenging goal, the US stands as the sole denier of a path that requires immediate action. Both large infrastructure choices and immediate daily decisions are needed. Sadly, every delay in moving the US to a productive, proactive position, makes achieving these goals less likely, or more costly, or both. Immediate, pro-environment and pro-business decisions are needed at the household, state, regional, national and global levels to put us on a sustainable path. I highlight a set of energy, transportation, and land-use modeling tools and policy opportunities that are consistent with the needed 1.5 degree Celsius objective. The critical role of decision-making is highlighted through a series of technical, policy, and social justice opportunities.
China is a vibrant and highly efficient country whose leaders attach great importance to environmental protection and energy conservation. In recent years, China has played an important role in protecting the world's environment and saving energy and reducing emissions. Young people in China are a creative group, and I believe that their wisdom and knowledge will create a better living environment for our future.
编辑:庄志东 / 审核:罗莎 / 发布:陈伟